HAPPY FRI-YAY BITCHES. You know what day it is; it’s Friday the 13th and it’s gonna be a full moon out tonight. Normally, that means it’s time to breakout a horror movie/game, but it’s also BORDERLANDS 3 DAY. Oh my gosh I’m so excited and I cannot wait to fire it up when I get home from work today. So, in turn, your song to get jacked up for the weekend is “Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked” by Cage the Elephant:

Let’s dive into this week’s gaming news:

System Shock 3 has new gameplay and sheeesh

I’ve already talked about how excited I am for this remake recently, and this just further proves how right I am about literally everything. We haven’t had a good BioShock style game in years, and System Shock 3 is gonna be just that. Shodan is a fucking terrifying villain, and all those echoed metallic voice lines? UGH. Inject this game into my veins right now. My guess would be with the visual prowess they’ve demonstrated in this trailer that this will likely be a next gen title released Q3/Q4 2020. Sounds like yet another reason to upgrade next fall.

Add Nioh 2 to the already stacked Q1/Q2 of 2020

Thank god I don’t have a PlayStation (said no one ever), because damn next year is packed. The sequel to the PS4 exclusive was announced at Tokyo Game Show, with a release date of early 2020. For those unfamiliar with the franchise, it’s a Souls style game set in Japan, which makes it kinda like Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice but it’s not made by From Software and it plays just a bit differently. From those who have played the original Nioh, they say it’s the best of the Souls spinoffs so you have to imagine that they can’t screw up the sequel. Alas, I yet again will be unable to play this title as I am #TeamMicrosoft until my friends list pulls their heads out of their asses and realizes that Halo Infinite is gonna suck.

Guess I’m flying to Japan next year…

WHAT?? Are you serious? No really, this is not a prank. There are no hidden cameras. They are actually making a Super Nintendo World at the Universal Theme Park in Japan. That’s fucking awesome. I’ve never been a Disneyworld person, but I’ve always wanted to go to Universal Studios (and not just because they hold the national cheerleading and dance competitions there). That’s my shit; Harry Potter World, Avengers Land, and now Nintendo World. God it’s like all the dreams I has as a child are coming true 20 years later. Don’t care, I’d go on those rides if I was 80 and it killed me.

Control is actually broken and they’re trying to fix it

Ok so this confirms my assumptions a few weeks ago that Control was basically made for the next gen consoles and released a year before they came out. The problem is that this might be too little too late. I still haven’t beaten Control, and with Borderlands 3 and Gears 5 on my plate now and even more titles soon to come, this might be on the back burner until the holidays. It’s a damn shame too because this game had so much potential that got squashed by a shitty launch. They have plans to release a decent amount of DLC though including a possible Alan Wake crossover so I’ll keep my eye out for that and let you guys know if it’s worth your time.

Apple+? Who give a fu-…wait is that Khal Drogo? Ok nevermind take my money.

The title and trailer truly says it all. Background info: the creator of this series, Steven Knight, is also behind the series Peaky Blinders and Taboo. Both shows are well written, gritty, violent, and worth your time. The director is Francis Lawrence, who is behind I Am Legend, Red Sparrow, and the last 3 entries in The Hunger Games franchise. After Jason Momoa the cast thins out pretty quickly, but with these two showrunners, See has a very good chance of creating some breakout stars. Probably going to be worth the $4.99 monthly fee alone.

The Game Awards has announced it’s ceremony date

There you have it; December 12th will be this year’s Game Awards ceremony. The big news here isn’t the awards (because you all know only my end of the year awards will actually mean anything), it’s that we will have a mini-E3 event at this time. Last year, we were surprised with Mortal Kombat 11 and The Outer Worlds. This year? Not a fucking clue, but I would LOVE if they announced the release date for Elden Ring. Fingers crossed for Q4 2020.