This has been an absolutely phenomenal year.

When I created my first blog on in January, I never dreamed that by the end of the year I would have my own domain and website. I never thought I would have close to 1000 Twitter followers and over 50 people a day reading the stupid shit I post on the internet. And I never imagined that a bunch of acclaimed game developers would be willing to chat online about their games with some random guy who DM’d or emailed them. You all have absolutely blown me away with your support and fandom.

I want to take a moment now to thank each and every one of you for your interest, comments, critique and following. Without you, I’m just a weird guy in his late 20s typing meaningless crap about video games. But with you…I’m still a weird guy in his late 20s typing meaningless crap about video games BUT with fans! All joking aside, I really do appreciate you guys and gals and I want to continue to make content for years to come that make you think, laugh and maybe even cry…from laughter…

So what now? What’s next for PartyChat in 2020? Well, the simple answer is a fuck ton. I’ve got a ton of stuff in the works, more interviews with developers, and something really special starting sometime early next year.

Get ready for 2020. It’s gonna be awesome. Until then…