While we started our countdown to E3 last week with one of the worst studios in gaming, we continue this week with one of the best. Bethesda has had incredible success over the years, and has made some of the biggest games of the last two generations in Fallout 3 and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. And while recently they’ve made some missteps, Bethesda is still one of the most beloved companies today. But with studio head Todd Howard announcing that neither Starfield nor Elder Scrolls VI will be discussed at E3 2019, in what ways can they win? Let’s dive in to the predictions:
Fallout 76 DLC Trailer

Yes, this is the misstep I’ve alluded to, and it should come as no surprise. Honestly, after playing through about 15-20 hours of Fallout 76, it really isn’t that bad of a game. There are many fun moments and missions, it is fun to play a Fallout game with your friends for the first time ever, and it has more Day 1 content than many of the other shared world games that came out in 2018. However, it’s hard to overlook the boring story, failed pre-order promises, and myriad of glitches that come with the title, which is what made the game such a bust. But Bethesda cannot simply throw this game to the wayside just yet, so there will for sure be either a trailer or presentation regarding the current state of the game and it’s future in 2019. Can they win with such an announcement? Maybe. They could make the game free-to-play, which would absolutely increase the player base, but I think they would find it hard to monetize it in a way that would meet their financial goals. Could they bring content from earlier games that would make players return? I’m not sure what content that would be, but that’s probably their best bet.
Confidence: 100%
DOOM Eternal Gameplay

This is the only thing Bethesda has already announced, and it’s a win no matter what they do as long as the game doesn’t crash. This should be the bulk of their press conference, and I’m absolutely fine with it. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, the new DOOM games are must plays and loads of fun. They’re gory, they’re action packed, they’re just awesome all around. You want a testosterone shot right in the dick? Pre-order and buy DOOM and DOOM Eternal. (Bethesda, send the check).
Confidence: 100%
Wolfenstein: New Order Gameplay Trailer

With a release so close to 2017’s Wolfenstein 2, you have to assume this is a shorter title, similar to how Uncharted: Lost Legacy was released after Uncharted 4. What you shouldn’t assume is a drop in quality. I’m interested in this title, as it follows Blazcowicz’s two daughters as they try to save their dad. It’s also the first Wolfenstein title to feature a co-op campaign, which I think would be awesome. I think this is already a win because it’s coming out in July, right in the middle of the summer video game drought. As long as it’s not a $60 title, I think Wolfenstein: Youngblood could be a hidden gem for Bethesda this year
Confidence: 100%
Elder Scrolls: Blades new content
Blades was just released in March, but you have to think there’ll be some talk about the platform and new updates coming soon. I haven’t played the game myself but from what I hear it’s a great mobile game and many fans of the series enjoy it. Can they win with this announcement? I think so if they announce the inclusion of some past Elder Scrolls content. I don’t know if they’re already in the game, but if you add dragons and dragons shouts, you may convince me to try this out.
Confidence: 90%
Surprise sequel announced (My bet is on Evil Within 3)

From here on out, it starts to get tricky. If Bethesda actually stays true to their word and doesn’t show Starfield or Elder Scrolls VI, what else are they gonna discuss? We won’t see a new Fallout for a long time, especially since the main studio is busy with those two major titles along with mainlining Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls Online. Prey is an option, but that studio is making Wolfenstein: Youngblood so that’s unlikely. What about a new Dishonored title? Probably not since Bethesda stated last year they’re going to hold off on that franchise for a while. So while it’s only been two years since The Evil Within 2, I think it has the best chance at receiving a sequel. Both games were well received by survival horror fans, and they have an opportunity to close the series with a grand finale.
Confidence: 33%
The Rest of the Show

Personally, don’t think that Bethesda is radio silent about their next two big games, especially Starfield. We’re not going to see cinematic trailers by any means, but to have all your main characters looking at the stars on your E3 poster. Maybe we don’t see anything from the game, but we do see the state of the art technology being used to make the game. I was very surprised that Bethesda decided to revive the Rage series, so we could be equally surprised with a new title like Brink 2. Bethesda also has partnered with indie studios in the past, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see them highlight some indies this year.
Listen, one thing is for sure: Bethesda is absolutely 100% going to shock us with something awesome. They did it last year with Fallout 76, they did it in 2015 with Fallout 4 being announced and released in the same year. They have a giant venue booked for this year’s conference; double the size of the venue they booked to announce Fallout 4. Could Starfield actually be ready now and released this fall/next spring? Will we see the first Elder Scrolls VI cinematic trailer, announcing the location? We’ll find out June 9th.